Feb Go Green Queen “Let Love Grow” Giveaway

Donation Totals: 3


We are so happy that you’re here.

W h y

Plants, flowers and gardening can…
  • Improve mood by reducing anxiety and increasing concentration
  • Be therapeutic to have something to care for, it’s a hobby darling
  • Help to purify air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity, and producing oxygen
  • Keep you active and build a sense of community with other plant lovers
Most plant people understand the benefits of having and owning plants, its’ why many of us do the things we do. But for those who are from underserved communities, who are not exposed to plants, or who do not have access to excess disposable funds, plant care is a luxury.
We will be sharing some of these benefits through giveaways and events throughout the 2023 year, and we could use your assistance.

W h a t

Donations of living houseplants or gift cards or discounts to plant shops and garden centers to purchase plants

Donations of supplies (watering containers, planters, etc.)

Donations of one (1) forty-five (45) minute therapy sessions

W h e n

We always welcome donations.


To participate in the Valentine’s Day event, we are requesting all donations are accounted for following the below timelines.



We need live good or monetary donations to be available, delivered, or shipped by March 1st, 2023.




Individuals must be available to schedule and provide sessions during the 2023 calendar year.

H o w


Shipped to the giveaway winner directly OR

Delivered or shipped to Go Green Queen directly OR

Can be picked up locally in the state of Georgia





A virtual therapy session will be scheduled.


Please fill-in the information below to receive more details.

Our Sponsors

Let’s get started on making 2023 a year filled with growth and love. Please enter your details below to get started.